Vacation Policy

I will go away on vacation or a “mini-vacation” every now and then which will make it difficult for me to accomplish everything that I need to do for the chart.  After a short trip where I ended up spending more time than expected on what I needed to do, I decided to institute a “Vacation Policy” and start creating “Vacation Charts.”  

These trips will not be very frequent as I probably only take two or three trips a year anyway.  If a trip will cause me to be unable to properly close the voting or not give me enough time to prepare for the opening of the following week’s voting, then the vacation policy will be used to create a “Vacation Chart.”.

As of 7/23/23, a “Vacation Chart” is created using the following procedure:

1. The week before the Vacation Chart will be designated a “Pre-Vacation Chart” and will be created normally, but no songs will be marked as retired on the chart.  

2.  The voting results will still determine songs that will be retired, they will just not be marked as such until the “Vacation Chart.”

3. The “Vacation Chart” will be identical to the “Pre-Vacation Chart” with the usual updates to some of the columns, but all of the songs that would have been retired after the previous voting will be marked as retired.

NOTE #1: No new songs will be added to the “Vacation Chart.”

NOTE #2: if a “Pre-Vacation Chart” would be the 30th and final chart for a song, then that song will still be retired.  If a “Vacation Chart” is the 30th and final chart for a song, then it will be retired and marked as such on that chart.

If you have any questions about this policy, please feel free to send me an e-mail at  Please ask because I might need to reword something for everyone to be able to understand!